10:36 PM |
feelin : rawkin` 0n
by Yingying
wentt t0 sent0sa t0day..
t0gether withh nic.sarah.felicia..
was quitee alrightt`..
c0s it wass h0t at palawann beachh..
we were playing vball and it kept r0llin d0wn int0 the water..
sitting mon0rail t0 palawann`
t0ok 21 minutes t0 reachh
sh0`` beautiful___`
when we wentt backk t0 h0me..
we saww cheryl i thinkk..
ferg0tt her name..
acting xiaa lann 0n the way backk t0 j8..
s0 t0ok sum ph0tos on the mrt
t0ok sum ne0s at j8 andd wentt h0me straight after..
wentt t0 orchard withh family..
g0t cousins andd grandparents
christmas tree at takashimaya*
mie taking photo withh xmas tree as backkgroundd__
dad b0ughtt a sett 0f t0yy carr f0r aar0n..
being jeal0us..
i putt himm inside the b0ot withh hiss t0ys
he kept climbing out norx..
11:22 PM |
feelin : *bl0atedd__.
by Yingying
i am suchh a slacker`..
i didnt d0 hw at all..
andd i pr0mised t0 do it during tis weekend..
wentt t0 exp0 today t0 see th0se electr0nics fair dere..
wentt t0 city hall t0 meet up with dem..
den i didnt n0e tt p0tter c0min..
dens he walk t0wards me..
t0 l0ok at the mrt de destinati0n..
he walked away..
didnt n0tice me at all..
after that g0t a 0ld man ask him f0r directi0ns i think..
he camee t0wards me again t0 see the b0ard 0f de mrt destinati0ns..
never even n0tice me at all..
andd i was l0oking at him directly..
sh0x funny..
after that yongkai came..
f0llowed by waisze.serene.zephan wh0 to0k the next train..
wentt t0 exp0 andd meet up with qingyu and her m0m..
herr m0m b0ught 0lympus digi camm..
actually wentt dere see wad gunb0und thingy de..
in the end we did n0t play...
the c0mpetiti0n i think is held at suntec city..
we played an0ther gamee...
s0me sh0oting game..
i keep 0n aiming at waisze..
she was the first 0n to faint am0ng the 4 0f us..
after that heard some presentation of gunbound..
there was tis uncle..
he w0re tis panda clothing.
damnn farnie n0rx..
stupidd als0..
anyway wentt we ab0ut to leave exp0..
we saw zibin..
i think he w0rks dere 0r smth..
c0s he like wearing unif0rm..
after that we wentt t0 changi airp0rt for lunch..
since the exp0 n0 place t0 eatt..
dennn walk walk dere..
after thatt wee wentt t0 swensens t0 eatt icecream..
waisze s0 suayy.
c0s the waitress spill water 0n her..
den sec0nd time when an0ther waitress serve the desserts..
she kn0ck 0n serene's cupp..
spill the sec0nd time..
sh0 clumsy..
wentt h0me straight after the desserts__________
9:14 PM |
feelin : s0uper dupper 0uttrage0us`!
by Yingying
i am shrinking..
just walked all the way fr0m sch0ol backk home..
0f course not alone narhx..
with jiale.kelly.ashley..
4 of us..
dens kelly sat bus 55 home..
it was very funn nor..
c0s cann jiann fei`..
t0day g0t training..
den very de slackk..
had match with c boys..
it was alright..
i did n0t perf0rm up t0 standard larh`..
didn't have the m0od..
and mr 0ng kept 0n irritating me..
irritated during the game..
even when he leave..
i can feel his presence...
his aura is still in the hall...
after the training dawn.des.aline.ashley.jiale.kelly.me..
all wentt t0 mac f0r lunch..
dey decided t0 go back to school..
play vball..
i siann dia0x..
c0s i dunn feel like playing..
the passi0n for vball is all g0ne..
after much persuading from dem..
i decide to go..
IF dey treatt me ice-cream..
jiale add in by saying t0 askk the sweet chilli giver macd0nald's guy de number..
s0 i t0ld dem..
c0s i wantted t0 go home..
i t0t dey wun n0t have the guts t0 d0 so..
i wass WRONG..
it was so hilari0us..
i was laughing n0n-stop while aline and kelly wentt t0 ask for his number..
the ice-cream that the guy serve..
it was really very very special..
extra bigg`...
the icecreamm bigger than the c0ne..
after that i gave in anddd wentt t0 scho0l..
where aline go practice her service..
andd dey play vball n0rx..
anyway aline's backk was hurting al0t today..
that she cried..
i think in vball she is the one with the most injury de ba..
last time it was her hand i think..
now her backk..
sh0 jialat..
anyway she still continue t0 play n0r..
denns after that wentt t0 hall..
see the b b0ys play against c0ach..
he damnn pr0 nor..
after they end the match..
we wentt t0 macc..
crapp l0ads 0ver dere..
andd wentt h0me n0rx..
9:27 PM |
feelin : neutral-
by Yingying
hadd vball matches t0day at queensway sec..
w0n cchs...tie with queensway and bukit panjang g0vt high..
i think we did n0t d0 the best..
c0s if we hadd we w0uld have w0n all the matches ler..
aline was c0mplaining that the sch0ol was very l0usy..
c0s the r0of of the hall was leaking..
water keep 0n c0ming in..
and it was very cramp...
dere is little space f0r us t0 serve..
i think all the m0ney hadd been spent 0n their lift and that handicap thingy that dey installed 0n the stage..
g0t 0ne ball i did n0t serve 0ver..
c0s tis queensway boy..
very de irritating..
make fun of my jersy number..
no. 2 rawks k!
anyway bpgh like very de buay s0ng with us..
c0s ashley t0ld me that dey slapp her hand when we were shaking handds...
n0 sp0rtsmanship de..
andd i als0 saw jersy n0.3 wh0 is the bl0cker..
gave us a very very very sarcasticc smile..
kelly ishhx s0 evil..
she g0 bullly des de best fren..
superstar is g0nna sho0t her..
135 246.
b0ughtt sinyee present t0day..
h0pe she will like it..
7:56 PM |
feelin : satisfiedd`
by Yingying
t0day twinss meet me at my h0use t0day..
after that we went t0 a nearby sal0n t0 trimm my hair..
thereafter we wentt t0 j8 where sarah b0ught a beautiful 0p pants..
she was really very picky when ch0osing..
budden at last she settled 0n one..
ate tak0-balls andd set 0ff t0 b0on keng macc dere t0 waitt f0r nic..
waited like f0reva f0r himm..
chatted and eatt while we waited..
after meetin f0ur 0f us wentt t0 east c0ast park..
xinnying and me rented r0ller blades while the tw0 0f us are supp0sed t0 h0ld 0n t0 us in case we fall..
luckily i g0t xinni..
if n0t i w0uld have fall..
unf0rtunately f0r xinying..
nicc didn't realli h0ld 0n t0 him..
in the end she fall..
i think ab0ut 3 times..
anyway the skates are l0usy..
c0s my feet hurts after i skate f0r ab0ut 1/2 an h0ur
sh0 i pass my skates t0 sarah..
wh0 exchange with felicia...
l0ok!shez so vi0lent`
ab0ut 6 plus..
it started t0 drizzle andd we headed backk t0 the rental sh0pp..
andd wentt t0 macc f0r shelter..
attee and crapp 0ver dere..
felicia wigg ishhx my hair k...
l0ok mr macafe there..o.0
after that we headed h0me..
laughhh l0adss` t0day..
anddd i enj0yed it al0t..
felicia was acting t0 be statue 0f liberty 0n the way h0me...x=
shez h0lding kacang puteh`..
9:16 PM |
feelin : h0ttttt!
by Yingying
hadd vball training in the morning today.
it ended at about 2pm..
mr sun wasn't very g0od t0 us today..
he was soooo h0t!.
i can't see in the intense sunlight..
s0 the team wasn't performing up t0 standard..
dawn and des are s0 lucky..
c0s dey dun need t0 suffer the same fate like us...
my skin is n0w cha0 tar lia0x..
every0ne sunburnt...
pard0n me...
budd i havee t0 say..
aline's tann is m0st marvel0us t0day..
c0s her legg l0ok like zebra..
it was s0 hilari0us..
we kept laughing at her in the t0ilet..x=
we r s0 meann..
after that we wentt t0 macc f0r lunchh..
andd ate and crapp l0ads 0ver dere..
it was ashley.aline.kelly.yanping.me
five 0f us..
until baaaabb0on aka kia boon came in...
dens he c0me and j0in in the c0nversati0n..
we are s0 kindd t0 let him j0in..
since he is als0 our jiemei..x=
keep 0n *suaning himmm and 0ne 0f vball jr...
Ji Ji NAI!
squeeze chicken milk..
dens speaking of the devil..
tis jr t0gether with her frens come to mac alsh0..
called demm to sitt t0gether withh us and beside bab0on..
hadd l0ads 0f funnn..
laughhh lyke dunn0 wadd...
after that jr all wentt backk t0 sch0ol..
and 6 of us continue t0 crapp..
itx mainly ab0ut vball..
after tt kiaboon lefttt..
dens we talkk even more crappp..
ashley t0ld us about the ghostly encounter in sch during councillar camp..
damnn scary..
h0wever i still continue ask her..
i am curious budd timid at the samee time..
after a short while later..
6pm wentt h0me..
c0s its darkk so0n..x=
time realli passes very fastt when u r enjoying..
wentt t0 buy loti0n at guardian at mrt station dere..
sat bus home t0gether with ashley..
t0 all vballers :
c0ntinue t0 work hardd t0wards our dreamm..
all th0se tough trainings we have g0ne through like today w0uld n0t be gone to waste if we can get t0 our dreamm successfully..
h0pe we will win the match 0n thursday..
at least getting sunburn can pay 0ff..xXx=
8:52 PM |
feelin: lucky (=
by Yingying
my stepsista is in sg t0day..
shez s0 cutee..
t0day meet up with kelly and ashley again..
andd wentt up t0 jiale h0use t0 find her c0s we can't c0ntact her..
s0 we wentt t0 her h0use..
0nly t0 find 0ut that she was still sleepin..
shez s0 cute..
blurr blurr de..
maybe bc0s she was just w0ken up by her grand mama..
sh0 3 0f us wentt d0wnstairs t0 play vball..
andd wentt t0 market t0 eatt after that..
since jiale wass feelin hungry since she did n0t eat anything yett..
hmm` i l0ve ice jelly!..
after that we wentt t0 jiale h0use t0 use her c0mputer..
andd we saw her irritating br0ther wh0 als0 have s0me 0f jia le de characteristics..
dey b0th seem t0 be very cheerful..
and s0metimes irritating...
after that jia le hadd t0 g0 to sent0sa f0r family 0uting..
sh0 we wentt t0 ashley de h0use..
ashley h0use was like sh0 beautiful..
als0 mainly furnish by w0od de..
very very beautiful..
it was designed by her m0m wh0 was a interior designer..
and her h0use is made up of tw0 3r0om flat..
it didn't seem like it when y0u stepped in..
c0s i didn't n0e where is the actual d0or 0f the an0ther flat..
it l0oks like a c0nd0minium 0r smth..
eatt very delici0us c0okies dere...
and saw many 0f ashley ph0t0s..
shes s0 cute..
and very ph0t0genic*..
we saw her y0ungest br0 dere..
he is better den jiale br0..
budden ashley seems t0 be quite irritated by his br0..
we wentt d0wnstairs t0 play vball after br0wsing ashley's ph0t0s..
we saw tis type 0f fl0wer..
th0se red red small small type de..
den kelly wanted t0 eatt it..
i als0 wanted t0 try..
ashley was disgusted with us..
den afterwards her y0ungest br0 als0 c0me al0ng t0 taste the nectar..
ashley was like sh0cked t0 n0e that her br0 als0 n0e ab0ut the nectar in the fl0wers..
i think we destr0yed the plants..
n0te : i am lucky t0 be in vball..
c0s it is easy t0 sp0t a pers0n wh0 d0 n0t n0e h0w t0 play vball.
bud it is n0t easy t0 sp0t a pers0n wh0 d0 n0t n0e h0w t0 play bball 0r netball.
7:32 PM |
feeling: great!
by Yingying
t0day have a match with shu qun sec..
it was w0nderful..
the team spirit is dere..
and everyb0dy played very well..
everyone pia like dunn0 wwadd..
ashley recieve and her spiking very g0od..
melissa t0o.
den desiree als0 manage t0 wrapp her ball..
aline.dawn.junepia like dunn0 wadd..
manage t0 save many balls n0r..
0 yarr..
the manager als0..
she r0x!
shez jiale..
the sec0nd set..
we g0t 1 - 10..
the gap is like s0 widee n0rx..
den in the end we manage t0 get 17-25..
the first set is 20-25
after the match we went t0 macc..
nearr my h0use here de..
thats all n0rx..
g0 dere eattt..
den we were feelin guilty that we eat s0 much..
s0 in the end we wentt t0 play vball at teck ghee C.C. which nearby my h0use..
we laughhed al0rt...
c0s kelly ball de skinn keep 0n peelin 0ff..
we hadd t0 use super glue t0 stick it backk..
it was n0t sticky enuff..
c0s the skinn keep 0n peelin 0ff...
den after that wentt t0 buy slurpee~..
andd wentt busst0p t0 send kelly h0me..
budden in the end we ended at jiale h0use de v0id deck talkin..
i acc0mpanied kelly while ashley and jiale wentt h0me t0 take a sh0wer..
crapp` l0ads..
was very funn..
we talkk until late at night ab0ut 10 plus..
den i send kelly t0 the busst0p..
i enj0y l0ads`...
11:55 PM |
past entries
if u wanna know my newest blog address!ask mewahahaa
i have a feeling that imma gonna change blog soon...
STEVE IRWIN'S last moment
just went out with twins today, bought magazines a...
now i know what is like
work like hell
work work work for 70 bucks only today.