feelin : h0ttttt!
by Yingying
hadd vball training in the morning today.
it ended at about 2pm..
mr sun wasn't very g0od t0 us today..
he was soooo h0t!.
i can't see in the intense sunlight..
s0 the team wasn't performing up t0 standard..
dawn and des are s0 lucky..
c0s dey dun need t0 suffer the same fate like us...
my skin is n0w cha0 tar lia0x..
every0ne sunburnt...
pard0n me...
budd i havee t0 say..
aline's tann is m0st marvel0us t0day..
c0s her legg l0ok like zebra..
it was s0 hilari0us..
we kept laughing at her in the t0ilet..x=
we r s0 meann..
after that we wentt t0 macc f0r lunchh..
andd ate and crapp l0ads 0ver dere..
it was ashley.aline.kelly.yanping.me
five 0f us..
until baaaabb0on aka kia boon came in...
dens he c0me and j0in in the c0nversati0n..
we are s0 kindd t0 let him j0in..
since he is als0 our jiemei..x=
keep 0n *suaning himmm and 0ne 0f vball jr...
Ji Ji NAI!
squeeze chicken milk..
dens speaking of the devil..
tis jr t0gether with her frens come to mac alsh0..
called demm to sitt t0gether withh us and beside bab0on..
hadd l0ads 0f funnn..
laughhh lyke dunn0 wadd...
after that jr all wentt backk t0 sch0ol..
and 6 of us continue t0 crapp..
itx mainly ab0ut vball..
after tt kiaboon lefttt..
dens we talkk even more crappp..
ashley t0ld us about the ghostly encounter in sch during councillar camp..
damnn scary..
h0wever i still continue ask her..
i am curious budd timid at the samee time..
after a short while later..
6pm wentt h0me..
c0s its darkk so0n..x=
time realli passes very fastt when u r enjoying..
wentt t0 buy loti0n at guardian at mrt station dere..
sat bus home t0gether with ashley..
t0 all vballers :
c0ntinue t0 work hardd t0wards our dreamm..
all th0se tough trainings we have g0ne through like today w0uld n0t be gone to waste if we can get t0 our dreamm successfully..
h0pe we will win the match 0n thursday..
at least getting sunburn can pay 0ff..xXx=
8:52 PM |
Tuesday, November 23
you think you know me
When everything I do
is only to get tangled up in you .