3:15 AM |
feelin : piggishhedd
by Yingying
slept at 6.30am today..
woke up bout 1 plus today..
so didn't wentt to joinn in withh kelly dey all fer vball larh..
wentt to woodlands to do that glittery thingy again..
tis time with sis.lei.wei..
after thatt wentt to somerset to do that pendant thingy..
go do fer some people..
maybe fer xmas bahhx..
shall uploadd sum photos..
mie sista de dolphinn glitter...switt`
me wibb my new burt uglier de tattoo..
11:18 PM |
feelin : stresseddd
by Yingying
sch0ol is gonna open soon..
andd i've haven even complete a single hw kaes..
yesterday wentt t0 escapee again!..
itx was funn..
c0s we gett t0 play till late at nightt..
so suay nor..
cos wentt to play beginner de kart..
cos i will be driving withh my lit. bro mah..
muz be 18 andd above.
i go lie larh..
den she told me to say IC no.
wah lau
i xia dao`..
so say i ferget..
den left my IC in the locker..
buden still canot..
cos a stupid indian woman larh..
she go hit the stupidd cones..
dennn fly here fly dere..
almost accident..
andd the woman is over 18 larh..
bo skill de..
8:49 PM |
feelin : b0redd
by Yingying
thiss bl0g is going to mine liao ler..
al\ is like my entry lai de..
anyway t0day r0t at h0me larh..
s0 n0thing t0 bl0gg ab0ut..
s0 gonna bl0g ab0ut yesterdayy`...
wentt t0 amk t0 mit withh nikki t0 return her the ph0nee tt we exchanged 0n friday..
c0s i wanted t0 try t0 uploadd..
budden the stupidd cable can't w0rkk-
dens after tt pei her cutt fringe...
quite nice n0rx..
after tt wentt t0 sitt at m0s..
i meann sitt..
c0s we didn't buy anythingg..
als0 mitt up withh nikki de nettfrenn
i f0rgot hiss name larhx...
dens wentt h0me..
started smsing withh sarah t0 ask her ab0ut er-hemm the nightt bf0re..
denss she called me 0ut..
dey g0t tickets t0 watch m0vie..
s0 watch national treasure..
quitee nice n0r..
it would be betta if i hadden hadd a m0od swingg..
s0rrie arh..
frustratedd- itx all ur faultt
9:18 PM |
feelin : n0thinn
by Yingying
wentt 0utt t0day withh sarah andd nikki..
was enjoyable..
mit at j8.
dens wentt t0 w0odlands t0 visit sarah's de frenn..
however hez not dere.
denn we walked ar0und andd saww the glitter tat0o..
so g0 makee tat0o..
v nice leh..
after that wee wentt t0 s0merset t0 findd pendantt..
g0t engraving de..
den g0t 0ur names..
in the endd 6 plus..
denn i v w0rried or smth..
so i wass showing attitude..
s0rry arhhx..
after tt chi0ng t0 planet paradigm...
mitt upp withh sean c0s i t0t tix 0nli can be b0ughtt thr0ugh himm larh..
dens in the endd when t0 mit up withh sarah frenn at plaza singapura..
chatt a while andd wentt backk..
b0ught the tix andd wentt in..
music was l0udd..
i 0nli like 0ne 0f the bandd wh0 is perf0rming..
c0ss dey made the pe0ple s0 highh n0r..
andd their v0cal is g0od...
dere is like tis guy wh0 claims he is the singapore id0l larh..
quite crasy...
he wentt up t0 the stagee andd started singing andd stripping!..
wah saii..
cann v0mit..
the place would b co0l iff noone smokes dere larh..x=
heheex...xinn att the gig..
stammp..planet paradigmm...P.P..
i veri lamee larh
aboutt 9+ wentt backk t0 PS t0 eatt supper at pastamania..
v nicee..
after tt wentt t0 amk mrt where nikki's m0m br0ught us h0me..
mie at pastamaniaa...trying to take photo withh the butterflyy...
ended up look lianz..
1:04 AM |
feelin : j0y
by Yingying
juz came back from vball chalet..
didn't wan t0 stay 0ver dere..
since itx changi..
and dere is gradient..
mitt up at amk mrt with dawn.aline.kelly.yanping..
jiale and i mitt at h0me..
dens sit 88 t0 pasir ris..
budden june missed the bus..
sh0x she satt an0ther bus..
denss wentt t0 escape..
damnn funn norx..
too bad ashley could not make it..
andd if dere is more people it would have been greatt`
budd it was very fun anyway..
satt on almost all the ridee xcept for the kiddies type.flipper.wetandwild.
wentt on tis kiddy ridee near the locker..
the ch0o-ch0o trainn..
v funn..
dens sat rainbow where me.kelly.june sat al0ne on the tw0-seater seats..
andd we were like sliding left and rightt..
i love it..
laughh al0tt..
also dayt0na..
cos manage to let aline.jiale.dawn t0 playy with us..
dawnn m0st cutee de..
cos her car move halfway can't move..
den she tot got prob..
she onli realise that she was stepping on the brake not the accelerator whenn she look down..
v cutee..
after about 6 pmm we wentt t0 the chalet while junee wentt for dinner..
we satt two cabs to the chalet..
3 persons on eachh..
yanping.dawn.aline very suay..
met tw0 irresponsible taxi drivers..
dennn the 3rd one who drive dem is the driver who drove us the the chalet..
cos he passed by andd saww themm..
dens learnn how to play mahjongg..
v funn..
cos keptt shouting andd laughing..
dere wass also exchange of presents between b gals..
12 b gals were dere..
7 of us + melissa.regina.huifang.shumei.lijan
denss i've g0t kelly's de present..
2 pairs of pretty earrings..
2:12 AM |
feelin : exhausted.
by Yingying
juz camee backk fr0m 2/2 '03 de chalet att east c0ast..
my fav placee..
it was quite alrightt..
didn't have muchh funn cos not all people can go..
bcos of cashflow probs..
i'm so tiredd..
the nightt bfore i slept 4 hrs..
andd last nighhtt i slept for 2 hours sitting up in thee first storey coss the restt slept in the second level..
denns in the morning denns sleep together withh ct.sarah.weiming andd some other..
v tired..
yest morning wentt vball trng..
in the endd ran round school twicee andd did some sprinting..
after tt go help with vball banner..
dens after chi0ng to sarah house to gett the f0od f0r the chalet...
dere's s0 muchh f0od nor..
if we were t0 carry t0 the mainn r0ad t0 hail f0r a taxi..
we sure die..
s0 when we were leaving sarah h0use i kept cr0ssing my fingers..
denss sh00 lucky..
there is a taxi dere..
very very lucky..
anyway it was really very b0ring 0n the first day..
remembered eating l0adss 0f carbb..
hearing l0adds 0f bells..
playing bangalah attack..
t0day wass 0k..
wentt t0 rent bike after i aw0ke..
so cheapp..
$5 onli..
andd returnn at 8..
is like rentt wholeday..
cycle withh themm..
dens learnn how to dunn use handd to bike..
g0nna sleep..
nidd t0 rest0re energy fer tml vball chalet
i miss himac_.
10:58 PM |
feelin : differentt-`
by Yingying
hadd a haircutt at shunji matsuo dere..
nearby parag0n..
g0tt selina andd her daughtter acc0mpany me..
tml's is vball trng..
g0nna play vball again..
andd tml is 2/2 chalet..
sh0 l0oking f0rwardd..
6:44 PM |
feelin : splendid__+
by Yingying
had l0ads 0f funn t0day withh meizhu.nikki.xinyi.dearestsarahandfelicia..
t0o badd felicia was n0t feelin well andd hadd t0 go home halfway..
wentt d0wnn t0wn t0day..
5 0f us..
walkk here and dere..
s0 busy..x=
take l0ads 0f ne0..
actt attitude.
at first m0od was affected by s0me pe0ple..
after that cheered up al0t
0 yar..
wentt cineleisure..
damnn farnie.
c0s sarah kena frighten by the "gh0stie"
blackk de..
n0 face s0mm0re..
after tt we di-sia0 the gh0st..
den it is a malay guy..
darnn funny..
we were s0 damnn b0red n0rx..
s0 called nikki t0 take a guys number..
she juz g0 tap a guy sh0ulder andd p0inted at meizhu saying tt meizhu wanted the number..
s0 sia suayy
budden damnn funn..
after that ate dinner withh meizhu andd xinyi c0s nikki had t0 g0 0ff earlier..
denss leftt me andd sarah..
we wentt t0 parag0n t0 watchh the street perf0rmance...
it was w0nderful..
sh0 pr0...
so c0ol..
als0 saw seann n0rx..
andd sing n0t badd..
(+ happiehappie4eva-.
11:53 PM |
feelin : gr0ovy^
by Yingying
wentt swimmin again withh vball peeps..
5 0f us..
wentt gardens in the aftern0on..
swamm like al0t..
andd chatt
h20 vball..
denss jiale who was on the phone keep 0n sh0uting larh..
----- sux`
luckily n0t mani pe0ple cared`
after that we wentt t0 j8...
wentt t0 take ne0s again..
new machine dere..
damnn c0ol..
budden l0usy als0..
c0s lagg like sia0..
we t0ok 2 times..
first time with jiale..
sec0nd timee with0ut jiale c0s she wentt to mit her frenn
the sec0nd time the wh0le machine wentt haywire...
ended up taking 2 times..
waste time..
budden the machine realli v nice..
dens after that it was alm0st 7 lerx..
dey wentt h0me..
while i find my sis and my tw0 cousins..
andd mit withh caiyu andd aunt..
wentt t0 eat at cafe cartel..
the f0od wass alrightt`..
take ne0s again~
andd wentt h0me..
10:58 PM |
feelin : wasted-.
by Yingying
wentt t0 sch0ol fer vball meeting t0day..
g0nna make a banner fer vball banner next yr i thinkk..
andd every divisi0n have t0 do 0ne..
budden i wentt f0r like 1 hr i leftt
c0s i have t0 meet shahirahh f0r j0b interview..
andd it wasn't arranged earlier..
it was last minute decisi0n..
itx at henders0n..
very farr
ti0ng bahru dere..
at firstt we can't find the dumbb place..
budden luckily i called my daddie.
and he was dere t0o!..
sh0 lucky..
s0 we went t0 mit himm
andd he fetch us g0 nor..
the interview was alrightt`..
andd g0t the j0b...
budden t0o far norx..
s0 didn't g0`..
decided t0 give it a miss..
andd the j0b is earn by c0mmision de..
s0 itx quite difficult..
wentt h0me fr0m dere..
alm0st l0st at bukit merah that area..
10:31 PM |
feeling : switt*
by Yingying
0h my g0sh`
i hadd the sweetest dreamm last nightt..
t0dayy wentt swimmin at the gardens withh vballers again..
it wass great
the 7 0f us..
it was still as funn even with0ut jl and ml..
dey were sheduled f0r w0rk t0day..
p0or thing..
played h20 vball..
veryy funn..
i kept laughing..
my thr0at wass hurting after the swimm..
it was w0rth it..
c0ss it wass definately great`
after that we wentt t0 j8
t0ok ne0s again..
andd chatt at mac..
wentt h0me f0rr dinner..
9:22 PM |
by Yingying
dere will b a gig on 17 dec at sumwhere near dhoby ghaut mrt..
12 bands perf0rming and a singapore idol special appearance..
tix at $7..
anyone interested tagg at tagb0ard..
or call my hp no. if u g0t my number kaes..
11:42 PM |
feelin : drunkk`
by Yingying
1/2 chalet was dere.
2/2 chalet was also dere.
3/2 chalet is als0 going to be held dere.
i l0ve the r0cks dere.
0uting withh family dere.
f0od village serves greatt f0od.
TWINS de birthday was also held dere t0day..
also cann see mr m..x=
hadd l0ads of funn t0day.
did l0ads of things today..
i lovee it`..
i think sarah will update about it norx..
so i will put summ pics up..
anyway celebrated withh meizhu<3wenwei<3nich0las<3kenneth<3
g0ing backk dere s0on..
14-16 dec fer 2/2'04 chalet
g0nna see all th0se peeps wh0 i have n0t seen fer a l0ng time..
i am m0st excited t0 see ct!..
missed her al0t`
see sh0 mani d0gs t0dayy
xinn ying bladingg`
att the beachh__.
l0ok..tt kidd0 is naked..
andd he urined on the sandd in frontt of me..
sparklers andd the decor of the table..x=
dey aree s0 surprise..
wishhing andd cutting of the cakee
after we eatt the cakee..
we wentt t0 thee amusement parkk..
hahas tis is a lame ride..
dunn sitt..
cycle the whole wayy..
about 2-3 storeys..
andd the belt is n0t safe!
firstt timee drinking lehx`
11:44 PM |
feelin : magical*
by Yingying
i'mm b0redd..
sh0 i upl0aded sum piccs
hez s0 cutee!
l0ok a bit like the baby at the gardens where jiale wass playing withh when we were swimmin..
all c0ntribute 20 cents 0n tis hatt f0r jiale t0 wear..
ke aii~!
l0okin f0rward t0 t0mmorrow`
10:33 PM |
feelin : alrightt.
by Yingying
vball b gers rawks..
yesterday match withh xinmin..
we play quite well n0rx..
alm0st w0n demm`
after that we chatt at mac andd wentt t0 j8 take ne0s..
andd talk at mac..
hadd a w0nderful time..
witth dawn.des.aline.mingli.ash.june.kelly.jiele.yanping.me
wentt swimmin t0gether with aline.mingli.june.kelly.jiele.yangping
7 of us wentt t0 gardens t0 swimm..
saw ho yingying andd her family..
andd we were rudee nor..
c0s we took their ball t0 play with0ut asking..
s0rry arhx`..
after that we wentt sauna..
sh0 nice..
andd the effects was very great f0r aline..
c0s right after that aline's t0p was t0o large f0r her..
after that we wentt t0 0rchardd and sh0pped ar0und..
dennns halfway mingli wentt h0me..
andd we wentt t0 sh0p s0mm0re..
9:23 PM |
past entries
if u wanna know my newest blog address!ask mewahahaa
i have a feeling that imma gonna change blog soon...
STEVE IRWIN'S last moment
just went out with twins today, bought magazines a...
now i know what is like
work like hell
work work work for 70 bucks only today.