feelin : gr0ovy^
by Yingying
wentt swimmin again withh vball peeps..
5 0f us..
wentt gardens in the aftern0on..
swamm like al0t..
andd chatt
h20 vball..
denss jiale who was on the phone keep 0n sh0uting larh..
----- sux`
luckily n0t mani pe0ple cared`
after that we wentt t0 j8...
wentt t0 take ne0s again..
new machine dere..
damnn c0ol..
budden l0usy als0..
c0s lagg like sia0..
we t0ok 2 times..
first time with jiale..
sec0nd timee with0ut jiale c0s she wentt to mit her frenn
the sec0nd time the wh0le machine wentt haywire...
ended up taking 2 times..
waste time..
budden the machine realli v nice..
dens after that it was alm0st 7 lerx..
dey wentt h0me..
while i find my sis and my tw0 cousins..
andd mit withh caiyu andd aunt..
wentt t0 eat at cafe cartel..
the f0od wass alrightt`..
take ne0s again~
andd wentt h0me..
10:58 PM |
Thursday, December 9
you think you know me
When everything I do
is only to get tangled up in you .