a routine
by Yingying
i was super late for school today, luckily woken up by jialing's phone. but had a record already on ocom, marked late for presentation. bad bbad bad in the morning.
then had KAKI FUYONG for lunch with some of tr01. yummy yummy. class guys are so gay. thinking of it every 40 seconds. gay lor.
bstats tutorial was ultra boring, slept throughout with a little time conferencing with tr01 ppl on msn.
then rushed for ITR! wooooO! love it so so so so much. after lesson we had class photos. went back canteen 1 to grab some food, while rest grab dinner.
went to library after that, in SAPPHIRE room. mini room. took videos, and played with guanji's webcam. dino and alien. so so so so fun! there were guanji, shuying, jialing matt and harris in the room.
rushed for scc, we composed a song also. allowing matt to sing in front of the rest of scc ppl. so nice. so crappy throughout. went to KAP for dinner. twister fries! but didn't hang out much cause it was v v v late.
gtg do microecons tut. sad.
11:24 PM |
Wednesday, May 17
you think you know me
When everything I do
is only to get tangled up in you .