by Yingying
today i meet sarah fel and dan at marina square for shopping though didn't bought anything in the end. also my first time eating carls jr burger damn big. wuUU~ luckily i have big big mouth to fill it in!
then go meet lawrance and twin's cousin and her NIECE. so so v v cute lor. took loads of pics too with her and my good ol' buddies. wanted to eat fondue but in the end ended up in food republic at wisma. hahahahaha
i've experience singapore's night life today!
damn shagged, went to madam wong's just now. okay, we sneaked inside,me sarah and fel. while daniel,lawrence, loraine, and jessin(dno correct or not) go in first. thanks to daryl for such "lobang". lol, saw nicole(one from np,edwin's fren) and another trm gal(forgot her name).
and i smell of shitty cigarette smell that i can't get off. how sucky!
i sinned v v v v much. and now there is a sharp sound in my ears. hyeah, ive danced all night. too much sinning done.
4:34 AM |
Sunday, June 11
you think you know me
When everything I do
is only to get tangled up in you .