feelin : satisfiedd`
by Yingying
t0day twinss meet me at my h0use t0day..
after that we went t0 a nearby sal0n t0 trimm my hair..
thereafter we wentt t0 j8 where sarah b0ught a beautiful 0p pants..
she was really very picky when ch0osing..
budden at last she settled 0n one..
ate tak0-balls andd set 0ff t0 b0on keng macc dere t0 waitt f0r nic..
waited like f0reva f0r himm..
chatted and eatt while we waited..
after meetin f0ur 0f us wentt t0 east c0ast park..
xinnying and me rented r0ller blades while the tw0 0f us are supp0sed t0 h0ld 0n t0 us in case we fall..
luckily i g0t xinni..
if n0t i w0uld have fall..
unf0rtunately f0r xinying..
nicc didn't realli h0ld 0n t0 him..
in the end she fall..
i think ab0ut 3 times..
anyway the skates are l0usy..
c0s my feet hurts after i skate f0r ab0ut 1/2 an h0ur
sh0 i pass my skates t0 sarah..
wh0 exchange with felicia...
l0ok!shez so vi0lent`
ab0ut 6 plus..
it started t0 drizzle andd we headed backk t0 the rental sh0pp..
andd wentt t0 macc f0r shelter..
attee and crapp 0ver dere..
felicia wigg ishhx my hair k...
l0ok mr macafe there..o.0
after that we headed h0me..
laughhh l0adss` t0day..
anddd i enj0yed it al0t..
felicia was acting t0 be statue 0f liberty 0n the way h0me...x=
shez h0lding kacang puteh`..
9:16 PM |
Wednesday, November 24
you think you know me
When everything I do
is only to get tangled up in you .