feelin : splendid__+
by Yingying
had l0ads 0f funn t0day withh meizhu.nikki.xinyi.dearestsarahandfelicia..
t0o badd felicia was n0t feelin well andd hadd t0 go home halfway..
wentt d0wnn t0wn t0day..
5 0f us..
walkk here and dere..
s0 busy..x=
take l0ads 0f ne0..
actt attitude.
at first m0od was affected by s0me pe0ple..
after that cheered up al0t
0 yar..
wentt cineleisure..
damnn farnie.
c0s sarah kena frighten by the "gh0stie"
blackk de..
n0 face s0mm0re..
after tt we di-sia0 the gh0st..
den it is a malay guy..
darnn funny..
we were s0 damnn b0red n0rx..
s0 called nikki t0 take a guys number..
she juz g0 tap a guy sh0ulder andd p0inted at meizhu saying tt meizhu wanted the number..
s0 sia suayy
budden damnn funn..
after that ate dinner withh meizhu andd xinyi c0s nikki had t0 g0 0ff earlier..
denss leftt me andd sarah..
we wentt t0 parag0n t0 watchh the street perf0rmance...
it was w0nderful..
sh0 pr0...
so c0ol..
als0 saw seann n0rx..
andd sing n0t badd..
(+ happiehappie4eva-.
11:53 PM |
Friday, December 10
you think you know me
When everything I do
is only to get tangled up in you .