feelin : neutral-
by Yingying
hadd vball matches t0day at queensway sec..
w0n cchs...tie with queensway and bukit panjang g0vt high..
i think we did n0t d0 the best..
c0s if we hadd we w0uld have w0n all the matches ler..
aline was c0mplaining that the sch0ol was very l0usy..
c0s the r0of of the hall was leaking..
water keep 0n c0ming in..
and it was very cramp...
dere is little space f0r us t0 serve..
i think all the m0ney hadd been spent 0n their lift and that handicap thingy that dey installed 0n the stage..
g0t 0ne ball i did n0t serve 0ver..
c0s tis queensway boy..
very de irritating..
make fun of my jersy number..
no. 2 rawks k!
anyway bpgh like very de buay s0ng with us..
c0s ashley t0ld me that dey slapp her hand when we were shaking handds...
n0 sp0rtsmanship de..
andd i als0 saw jersy n0.3 wh0 is the bl0cker..
gave us a very very very sarcasticc smile..
kelly ishhx s0 evil..
she g0 bullly des de best fren..
superstar is g0nna sho0t her..
135 246.
b0ughtt sinyee present t0day..
h0pe she will like it..
7:56 PM |
Thursday, November 25
you think you know me
When everything I do
is only to get tangled up in you .