feelin : greatt!
by Yingying
g0tt backk my computer..
cann bl0gg at lastt..x=
itx better now..
not sho lagg..
first day of school is 0kay..
juz tt new principal crapp l0ads larh..x=
31 decc 2004-
wentt outt withh the twins to townn
dens 7 plus wentt to meet papa att amk mrt dere..
fetchh me to jamie's housee fer the partyy
soo mani unfamiliar faces..
saww zhan yuann too!
bcome so tall liaox..
1.7 plus?
dens at almost to 10..
dad fetchh me to yiochukang mrt station
wentt t0 orchard dere to mit the twins.wenwei.joseph.andaguy.
bu renn shi de..x=
wentt to dunno where larhhx..
sumwhere near shaw house..
got a bit siann
cos nth dere de..
althoughh got countdown larhx..
so decide to go to cineleisure..
not sure there got anot..
shoo wentt up to the policeman andd chatt withh him..
so funny
denn runn to cineleisure...
where dere is like about 20 mins to midnightt
playy until like crasy..
people playing the crasy ribbon thingy andd the snoww thingyy
summ idiot wentt to aim at my camera de lens..
summ banana guyy.x=
saww huay chengg andd hui lingg withh her frenn dere..
wentt home after the counntt downn liaox..
v fun.!!
muz w0rkk hardd..
l0ok forward to o levels!!
11:30 PM |
Monday, January 3
you think you know me
When everything I do
is only to get tangled up in you .